Lag Stick Golf Swing Training Aid

Lag Stick Golf Swing Training Aid

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Learn to feel and see how great ball strikers attack the ball. With the use of the Lag Stick, you can put yourself in a position to strike the ball with a large amount of lag while swinging the club on plane. The Lag Stick will help you produce a straight compressed shot every time. 

Use The Lag Stick in any one of your clubs

The Lag Stick can be used in your driver to the lob wedge

Hit balls while using The Lag Stick

Receive instant feedback while practicing

Feel and See how to be a consitent ball striker

  1. Divot after the ball
  2. Compression
  3. shaft lean
  4. back spin
  5. master the sand
  6. lower scores

 What is Lag?

  • Simply put, lag is a source of leverage and is one of the most important factors of speed in the golf swing.
  • Lag is the ability of the golfer's clubhead to stay behind the hands in the downswing and into the proper release point of the swing.
  • Creating lag is the hidden move in the golf swing that ALL powerful hitters have, turning a seemingly smooth and rhythmic motion into impressive clubhead speed

Improve your game instantly

  • Maximize distance
  • Makes your swing much smoother and more efficient
  • Creates forward shaft lean for tons of compression
  • Helps you take a divot after the ball
  • Produces more spin to golf shots (backspin with iron shots into the green)
  • Makes the ball sound like it is coming out of a cannon when you hit it

Meet The Inventor

 Paul Dickinson has been successfully teaching and playing professionally for the past 20 years. He was a 3 time all American in college and a member of the nationwide tour in 2003. For the past ten years he has spent most of his time on the range and course helping others improve their games. After thousands of hours watching people struggle to ascertain the technique of a great ball striker, he took it upon himself to develop an aid that would allow an individual to see and feel what it is like to compress a golf ball on a regular basis.

"The difference between a great ball striker and the average player is the ability to maintain lag on the downswing while keeping the club on plane". The average player loses their lag way too soon on the downswing, thus making it difficult to keep the club on plane. I could not find an aid that accomplished maintaining lag and swinging on plane, so I built one myself.

Welcome to THE LAG STICK! And a more enjoyable experience on the golf course. 

If you are reading this than you are like myself and all other golfers searching for the answer to golf euphoria. The ability to control the golf ball and own the ball flight you want to produce. You’ve come to the right place. I have competed at a very high level since the age of 14 and have spent the last ten years helping the average golfer understand how to hit the ball effectively. During this time I realized the missing link between those of us that can compress the ball regularly and those who struggle with consistency. That missing link is the ability to establish leverage on the backswing (hinge the wrists properly) and maintain the angle (lag) on the downswing long enough to apply maximum power and force to the golf ball. This is not a new discovery. Below are some common terms that you here while taking lessons, watching, or playing golf. I’m going to explain how they are all intertwined to the missing link (the ability to create an angle and maintain the lag on the downswing). With the use of The Lag Stick, you will finally be able to understand what it takes to be a consistent ball striker.


This is maximized when the golf ball is struck between the 5th and 6th groove of the club face. The deformation of the ball and spring like effect off the face gives out the noise of a well struck shot. The hissing noise and softness of a solid shot is what we all strive for. It can not be accomplished by hitting the golf ball on the bottom of the club face. This error is from the early release and loss of Lag on the downswing.

Shaft lean

Forward shaft lean at impact is what allows for the golf ball to be hit in between the 5th and 6th groove. If the shaft is neutral or leaning backwards at impact the golf ball will strike the bottom of the club face. Thus there will be less compression and a loss of distance.

Divot after ball

Result of forward shaft lean and maintaining lag. You can cheat by moving your upper body ahead of the ball and still throw the club early on the downswing (I see this a lot with amateurs trying to “hit down”) but the ball flight will not be ideal. Divot before the ball comes from the early release or casting.

Solid strike

The feeling of the ball hitting between the 5th and 6th groove and in the center of the clubface. Off center hits usually come from a poor release and an unsquared club face.

Squaring the face

Squaring the face with a flipping of the wrists is the most inconsistent way to apply impact. The golf club is designed to hit the ball with a forward leaning shaft in relationship to the clubface. That is why the shaft is built in front of the clubface. Hitting the ball with a neutral or backward leaning shaft makes it impossible to hit the sweet spot.   

Early release/ Casting

The loss of lag, not maintaining the angle on the downswing, unhinging the wrists to early on the downswing results in the club head being lower to the ground in the downswing. This move puts the bottom of the swing arc further behind the golf ball. When the bottom of the arc is behind the golf ball it is impossible to hit down. The club heads only option is to begin to swing in an upward direction. The dreaded thin or topped shot soon follows. “Hitting down” with an early release relates to the dreaded fat shot. 

Hit Down

More lag keeps the club head higher above the ground into the ball. This increases the vertical descent of the club head towards the golf ball as well as moving the bottom of the arc in the golf swing more forward. 

Club head Speed

More lag delays the unhinging of the wrists. This delay stores power in the club head. More club head speed can be applied to the golf ball when the unhinging of the wrists is delayed. 


An early release, cast, or flip when trying to square the face usually coordinates with a trail hand under lead hand follow through which promotes the dreaded chicken wing. With more lag on the downswing and a delayed release squaring the face requires more of a trail hand “rolling over” lead hand follow through with a lead elbow folding on the follow through. 


Hand and wrist action at impact when an early release has happened on the downswing. 

Flat/Bowed lead wrist

Hand and wrist position at impact when lag is maintained effectively on downswing. Maintaining lag on the downswing will result in a forward leaning shaft at impact. This wrist position is a must in order to square the face at impact. 


A descending blow of the club head into the ball will smash the ball on the clubface. The grooves will grab the cover of the ball imparting backspin, which will allow the ball to lift into the air and land softly.

 Bunker shots

Maintaining lag allows for a descending blow, steeper angle of attack and provides more speed in the club head. These attributes are vital to be a good bunker player. This is why poor ball strikers (early releasers) are poor bunker players.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Joseph Califano

Excellent device!! It helps with both tempo and path to help maintain an inside- out path. Also helps you get vertical in the backswing and then flatten out the plane on the downswing. Highly recommended.